Elysia and Sarah are presenting posters at the Duke Summer Research Showcase!

Elysia’s poster is titled “Behavioral characterization and whole-brain activity mapping of psychedelics in zebrafish”. Sarah’s poster is titled “Optomotor Response in Larval Zebrafish vs. Danionella cerebrum, a New Comparative Fish Model”.

Minel is presenting a poster at the Gastronauts Symposium in the Galápagos Islands!

Minel’s poster is titled “Mapping brain-wide responses to enteric nutritional stimuli in larval zebrafish“.

Kaitlyn is at Caltech!

Kaitlyn is working at the Dickinson Lab at the California Institute of Technology for her 3-week long MBL Post-Course Research Award. There, she is studying the asymmetrical activation of Drosophila power muscles during optomotor response through electrophysiological recordings.

Bowling night with the Dunn Lab!

Naumann Lab and the Dunn Lab having their Friday happy hour at the bowling alley.

Joint lab meeting with the Lovett-Barron Lab and Ahrens Lab!

Lovett-Barron Lab hosted the Naumann and Ahrens labs at La Jolla. Each group’s members gave short presentations on their research and enjoyed snacks, coffee, and drinks by the beach.

Last day of SfN with our final poster session from Anne!

Anne’s poster is titled “Adaptive Bayesian optimization of population-wide neural responses in real time”. This is Anne’s last poster presentation as a postdoc as she is starting her own lab at University of Michigan in January 2023!

Max and Kaitlyn are presenting their posters at SfN!

Max’s poster is titled “Open-source modularity: Microscopes and general-purpose software (Module Conductor)“. Kaitlyn’s poster is titled “Using Gigapixel Multi-Camera Array Microscopy (MCAM) Imaging to Predict Zebrafish Visuomotor Performance“.

Day 3 of SfN with more posters and socials!

Matt and Minel presented their posters at SfN on Monday. Matt’s interactive poster is titled “Development of visuomotor behaviors and underlying neural circuitry in larval zebrafish“. Minel’s poster is titled “Mapping brain-wide responses to enteric nutritional stimuli in larval zebrafish“.

Naumann Lab at SfN in San Diego!

The Naumann Lab landed in San Diego for the first day of SfN! Minel presented her poster at the Trainee Professional Development Award session, titled “Mapping brain-wide responses to enteric nutritional stimuli in larval zebrafish”.

Kaitlyn and Minel at the MBL NS&B course!

Kaitlyn and Minel attended the Neural Systems and Behavior (NS&B) course, an intensive 8-week program in Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, MA. They had the opportunity to work with a variety of model organisms using state-of-the-art techniques.