Eva on SoM Magnify!
/Read the latest on our research in the Naumann Lab, “A Small Fish in a Big Question“ by Karl Leif Bates: https://medschool.duke.edu/stories/small-fish-big-question
Read the latest on our research in the Naumann Lab, “A Small Fish in a Big Question“ by Karl Leif Bates: https://medschool.duke.edu/stories/small-fish-big-question
Minel is awarded the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD fellowship for “outstanding junior scientists who pursue an ambitious PhD project in basic biomedical research in an internationally leading laboratory”. She received the fellowship to accomplish her PhD project on “All-optical decoding of the gut-brain neural circuitry”, investigating the functional connectivity of the gut-brain axis in larval zebrafish.
For more information on the BIF PhD Fellowship: https://www.bifonds.de/fellowships-grants/phd-fellowships.html
Minel’s thesis project is titled “Whole-Brain Activity Mapping of Gut-Brain Neural Circuitry”. She is interested in investigating the sensory and topographic mapping across the entire gut-brain circuitry, from enteroendocrine cells to vagal sensory neurons to central brain regions.
Whit’s thesis project is titled “Examination of Pretectal Circuitry and Its Role in Differences in Sensory Evoked Turn Bias”. He is studying the neural correlates of individual differences in turning preference using recurrent neural networks.
Check out our new review paper Loring et al.: “Whole-brain interactions underlying zebrafish behavior” on Current Opinion in Neurobiology!
Matt’s thesis project is titled “Functional integration mechanisms underlying neural circuit assembly for visual motion perception”. He is studying how neurons are integrated to generate stable circuits throughout development, by characterizing the functional maturation of motion sensitive circuits involved in the optomotor response.
Anne’s poster is titled “Adaptive platform for online characterization of neural data”.
Max’s poster is titled “A modular open-source framework for two-photon and light sheet microscopy”.
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