The time is ripe to study the neurobiology of each individual


Optomotor response idiosyncrasy

Neural circuit models that motivate specific connectivity based on average data may lead to over-interpretations in which best-fit models do not represent real neural implementations in individual animals. We are interested in how visually evoked behavioral idiosyncrasies manifest in underlying neural circuit architectures. 


Moving gratings under our custom-built two-photon microscope

Our custom-built light-sheet microscope

Motivational states

Motivational states, such as arousal, sleep, fear, and hunger, affect stimulus sensitivity and influence behavior. We aim to reveal how neuromodulators can flexibly alter activity in well-defined neural circuits to affect behavior and behavioral idiosyncrasy. 


Denoised two-photon recording of zebrafish neurons expressing GCaMP6s

Brain-body interactions

Interoceptive signals are increasingly recognized to impact behavior. We aim to dissect the molecular and functional mechanisms of brain-body communication, specifically the gut-brain axis.



With longitudinal assays of behavior and neural activity, we plan to build a better understanding of how genotype and environment interact to shape neural circuits and behavior.


Gigapixel imaging with a multi-camera array microscope (MCAM)